Custom setup


Custom setup

Customize countries and prices for inclusive pricing.

When setting up inclusive pricing, advanced users can use the Custom setup to select which countries will use inclusive pricing, modify the included costs, and customize the currency in which shoppers see product prices.

To start, go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Inclusive pricing and click Begin setup. Then select Custom setup.


Choose countries

When using the Custom setup, you're in control of which countries use inclusive pricing. During the setup process, choose the Dashboard shipping zones in which you want to use inclusive pricing. You can modify which countries in that zone use inclusive pricing, or move forward with all of them using inclusive pricing.

  • If a shipping zone is grayed out, you do not have a compatible shipping option enabled. Go to your shipping settings in Dashboard to enable a compatible shipping option before proceeding. You can also complete the setup and add the country after your intial calculations are complete.
  • If you want to enable inclusive pricing in a country not enabled in your shipping settings yet, you must enable it in your shipping settings first.

Choose currency

Choose the currency in which you want your final inclusive product prices. Since we push these product prices to your site, this will be the currency that your customers see while browsing your site.

  • Shopper's currency: (Recommended) Display your prices in the destination country's currency. Localizing your prices to your shopper's currency builds immediate trust and lets them know you ship to their location.
  • Store's native currency: If you only allow your native currency for your store's Checkout, choose your store's native currency so that we do not convert the price to the destination currency.

After selecting your countries and choosing your currency, click Next to proceed to the Adjust step.


Modify inclusive costs

Note: This entire step is optional. If you do not want to modify the costs that we build into your product price, proceed without changes by clicking Next.

Modify the calculated duties, taxes, and fees to adjust the final price your customers will see and pay. You will be billed based on our original calculations, meaning any markup will cause your customer to pay more to you, while any subsidy means you will pay a portion of your customer's costs. You can adjust duties, taxes, or fees individually and choose which countries this adjustment applies to.

Subsidize duties, taxes or fees
Add fees to increase margin

Subsidizing a portion of the cost for your customers will lower your inclusive product prices to your customer. Lower prices often boost search rank and encourage sales but will decrease profit per item.

Let's say you want to subsidize 40% of the taxes for your customers. To do so:

  1. Click Add adjustment.
  2. Check the box next to Taxes.
  3. Under Taxes, select Subsidy.
  4. Select Percentage as your Adjustment unit.
  5. Enter "40" as the Value.
  6. Select the countries in which you want to apply this adjustment.
  7. Click Add adjustment in the top right corner.

Click Next to proceed to review your setup settings.


Review and finalize

After making your selections and customizations:

  1. Click Go to Summary. Review the summary to ensure it aligns with what you want.
  2. If the summary is correct, click Finish setup.

We will then calculate your inclusive prices. Return to activate your prices once they are ready.

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