View quotes


View quotes

See your generated landed cost quotes.

Dashboard supports easily viewing all current and historical landed cost quotes on your account. You can use this feature to see which quotes are being calculated as they are created, and to view the details of any quote that has been created. Data such as shipment ratings, shopping cart links, and more are linked to each landed cost quote and can be easily accessed via Dashboard.

Types of quotes 

Quotes displayed in Dashboard are split into three different statuses:

  • All - All quotes on your account.
  • Quoted - Quotes that have been created but are not yet associated with an order.
  • Ordered - Quotes that are associated with a placed order.

See all landed cost quotes 


To see your landed cost quotes:

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Orders -> Quotes.
  2. You will see a list of all landed cost quotes on your account.
  3. Click on a quote to view its details.


You can click on any of the available filters on the "Quotes" page to filter the list of quotes. You can also search for specific quotes by entering a search term in the search box. If you have any active filters, click the "Clear filters" button to remove them.

View shopping cart 


If there is a shopping cart associated with a landed cost quote, you can click the "View cart" button to view the shopping cart in a new tab. This is useful when trying to see what your shoppers are experiencing during the checkout process, to assist with abandoned carts, or to see if there are any issues with the shopping cart.

Quote details 


Clicking on a quote from the main list view will take you to the quote details page. This page displays the full quote details - including a detailed breakdown of the landed cost amounts.

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